讲座题目: 基于身份的线性同态签名
讲座人: 张福泰 教授
讲座时间: 16:00—18:00
讲座日期: 2017-7-27
地点: 长安校区文津楼三段6层606报告厅
线性同态签名对向量空间中的线性运算具有同态性质,可通过对向量空间一个子空间的一组基向量的签名而导出对子空间中所有向量的签名。它可用于线性网络编码以防止污染攻击、用于云存储中以实现对数据完整性的公开验证。在本次讲座中,我们介绍基于身份的线性同态签名方案的概念、安全模型和一个实用方案的构造, 并简要阐述其应用。
张福泰 南京师范大学教授,博导。现为中国密码学会理事,密码学报编委,中国密码学会密码算法专业委员会委员,中国密码学会江苏省工作站副主任,江苏省信息安全与保密技术工程研究中心副主任。长期从事密码学及相关方向的教学和科研工作。主要研究兴趣包括无证书密码体制、聚合签名、线性同态签名、云存储中的数据安全等。主持完成了江苏省高校自然科学研究计划重点项目《可验证秘密分享及其应用》(03KJA520066)、江苏省自然科学基金项目《无证书密码体制基础理论研究》(BK2006217)、国家自然科学基金项目《高效无证书密码体制及其应用》(60673070)和《具有泄漏弹性的基于身份的和无证书的密码体制》(61170298)。目前正在主持一项在研国家自然科学基金项目《线性同态签名的聚合及其应用》(61672289)。
Identity-Based Linearly Homomorphic Signatures
Title of Lecture |
Identity-Based Linearly Homomorphic Signatures |
Lecturer |
Futai Zhang |
Institute |
Nanjing Normal University |
Time |
16:00—18:00 |
Date |
July. 27, 2017 |
Venue |
606 meeting room of School of Computer Science, Wenjin Building |
Hosted by |
School of Computer Science, SNNU |
Profile of the Lecturer |
Abstract: Linearly homomorphic signatures possess the homomorphic property with respect to linear operations in vector space. Using linearly homomorphic signature scheme, one can derive the signatures of a signer on all vectors in a linear subspace through the signatures of the signer on the vectors of a base of that subspace. It can be used to prevent pollution attacks when applied to linear network coding, and to realize public verification of data integrity when applied to cloud storage. In this talk, we at first introduce the notion, security model, as well as a practical construction for Identity-Based Linearly Homomorphic Signature (IBLHS) schemes, and then briefly illustrate the applications of the proposed IBLHS scheme. Biography: Futai Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in cryptology from Xidian University in 2001. Now he is a professor and a Ph.D. student supervisor in Nanjing Normal University. His research interests include certificateless cryptosystems, aggregate signatures, linear homomorphic signatures, and data security in cloud storage. |